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Showing posts from June, 2020


METAL METALS CHAPTER PART - 1 Most important Discussion Below-  M etals which contain iron as a major content are called ferrous metals . The ferrous metals used commonly are –     1. Pig iron 2. Cast iron 3. Wrought iron 4. Still and alloy steel PIG IRON P ig iron is the product of blast furnace . Pig iron is obtained by the Chemical reduction of iron ore, This process of reduction of the iron ore to Pig iron is known as SMELTING. Limestone is the most commonly used flux in the blast furnace.                                              Pig iron contains about 3-5% carbon . It is soft and brittle it lacks strength, ductility and resistance to shock. It is used for making steel and cast iron.;   CAST IRON   C ast iron is the p...


ISRO PREVIOUS YEAR PAPER TECHNICIAN-B (FITTER)  ISRO SATELLITE CENTER, BENGALURU Held on 20.11.2016 1 . Which is not the part of file – a) Sholder b) Heel   c) Ferrul   d) Barrel 2 .The file used for filing leather is – a) Single cut file b) Double cut file c) Rasp cut d) Curved cut 3. One micron = a) 0.001 b) 0.0001 c) 0.01 d) 0.00001 4 . What is the point angle of prick punch which is used for making light punch marks   - a)       45° b) 100° c) 75° d)30 ° 5.   The engineer’s hammer is specified by its – a) Volume b) Length of handle c) Weight d) Material 6. If the strength of material to be drilled is high the drill speed should be – a) High b) Low c) Speed will not depend on strength   d) none of these 7. Calculate the spindle RPM for drilling speed of 44 m/min and diameter of drill 20mm – a) 350 b) 1400 c) 500 d) 700 8. What is the coolant used for machining cast iron – a) Soluble oil b) Chemi...


               DMRC PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTION PEPAR WITH ANSWER 1.   Which process is used for super finishing of bores in ferrous and nonferrous metal ? Ans : Honing   2. Cast Iron is the product of which one of the below ? Ans :    Cupola furnace 3) Which among the following is used for holding pipes between dia 50mm and 150mm? Ans: Chain pipe wrench   4) Which one of the following universal joints allow positive transsion of power at larger angles Ans: Universal Coupling   5) Which type of gears are used to transmit motion between shafts at various angles to each other ? Ans: Bevel gears   6) Which type of gear set is used to change rotaty into linear movement and vice versa? Ans: Rake and Pinion   7) The purpose of non return valve is to permit water in one of the ways ? Ans : One way flow   8) Which one of the below terms refers to the process of removing the i...


File is used for removing excess material and they are made of High carbon steel. Files are many types according there Grade, cut and shape. According to Grade - five types of file  Rough file  Bastard file  Second cut file  smooth file and  Dead smooth file  According to cut - four types  Single cut file Double cut file Rasp cut file Curved file According to Shape - seven types  Flat file  Hand file  Round file Half round file  Square file  Triangular file Knife edge file


                               GEAR Purpose of gears - Gears are used to transmit torque or motion from the driving shaft to the driven shaft 1) To change the direction of rotation. 2) To change the velocity ratio. 3) To get positive drive. Types of gear    Gears are many types are below                                                BEVEL GEAR -   1) The teeth are cut parallel to the axis of rotation. 2) Transmit power between two shaft. Uses - in Electric screwdriver, Clock, Washing machine, Motorcycle etc. ADVANTAGES-  1) simple in construction 2) Easy to manufacture DISADVANTAGE-  1) center distance is limited. 2) Noise at high speed.                             ...